Setting Smart goals for Fitness


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Get a fit and healthy body does not happen magically but requires constant change diet, exercise and discipline to achieve this. Maintain a healthy weight goal, lose a few pounds or seeking a firmer fit body sounds easy but hard to achieve without setting your goals and expectations beforehand. A lens acts as a guide and heads toward the body you want. Know and define SMART goals for fitness and learning how to set them up as targets for health, will help fulfill the healthy lifestyle you want.

The acronym SMART goals stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound. Let’s have a quick review on how to use this concept in achieving your health goals.


When you set a goal, make sure it is specific in nature. Be specific example was “to lose 20 pounds” rather than making a general statement like “to lose weight”. Be specific to have clearer reasons in achieving your dream.

M measurable:

Measure your progress will help you stay on track with your schedule. Should be measured to assess progress. If your goal is to lose 20 pounds, you can calculate how much pounds you need to lose per week.

A is accessible:

In creating a goal, it is important for you to understand how you can achieve this. Should be reached which goes towards success. If you’re not consistent in achieving your dream, it will be very difficult barriers to overcome. Lose 100 pounds or get a bodybuilder physique within 30 days is not an achievable goal (or realistic).


Even if your goals maybe high, make sure they are realistic and not impossible. Should be ambitious enough to motivate you to keep going but realistic, so you can increase your confidence. You should be willing to do anything to achieve your goal. Cut into small which are realistic enough for you to make your big goals.

T-limited time

Time is important to establish goals for deadlines that will give you a sense of urgency. In other words, each lens must have a deadline. A statement like “lose 20 pounds in 3 months” is better than “lose weight in a few months”. This will motivate you to achieve your dream in a specific time.

Your success depends on how set up goals for fitness and health as you are motivated to perform them. Don’t forget to reward yourself after you’ve reached your goal as this will keep motivated for the next goal but maintain safe something like a new (smaller) pair of jeans rather than ice cream.

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