Fitness motivation-as an action movie could save your life


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Contrary to popular opinion, not pop out of bed each morning excited to do my workout, I crave constantly clean my diet that consists of a lot of chicken, sweet potatoes and vegetables. I love what they did all those things to my body, but you need to find creative ways to stay inspired and motivated to dig deep each day. I’m not a fitness Super Hero!

A unique place I can usually count on to restart my fitness motivation is going to the cinema. Because when you walk into a movie theater you are bombarded with sights and smells of all kinds of goodies that will destroy your fitness program, which can be a bit of a surprise! But this is a different topic.

For me, the inspiration begins during the previews. There is something of a preview for a well-made action movie that makes me want to jump out of my chair cinema cushy and start doing a tour of Shaun T pushup-Jack! The menacing voice over, music, impetuous leap cuts people running, fighting, or save the world from imminent destruction creates immediately my heartbeat! Makes me want to become Jason Bourne when I grow up!

I am always inspired by actors who have transformed their bodies for a specific role, which always reminds me what is possible when focused 100% on a goal. If they can do it, so can i. .. and so can you! Of course it is easy to say-but they have world renowned personal trainer and meal plans to follow. If you choose, you may have access to those same things as well.

So by the end of an hour of previews (or maybe it just seems like there’s an hour of them), I’m pretty excited to go back to my next workout, and every temptation to the big tub of popcorn is gone! Then begins the movie.

My wife, Kelly, and I decided to venture into film in the early morning. Although it has been out for a while, I wanted to see what all the hype was about The Hunger Games. This futuristic film, where children fight to the death for the sake of their respective district. (It looks creepy, but it’s actually a rather uplifting movies) In the middle of the movie we get to see the children chosen for their upcoming battle train. Any good installation training is always offers a good jolt of extra motivation.

But what really hit me was when they got in the battle itself. 24 teenagers in a circle while waiting for the game to start, knowing ultimately who you must kill or be killed in order to survive. As the game unfolded and you’ve seen people literally running for their lives, using survival skills and climbing trees-of course my brain jumped to fitness. I thought: “Wow, good thing these guys are fit or would be dead by now! Thank God we don’t live in this society where we need to be in top physical condition to make sure you survive. Then like lightning in my head hit me. ..

What happens if your current physical condition did determine whether living or dead in a moment of crisis?

My mind flashed to 2005, sitting in a hotel room with my in-laws who had evacuated to Dallas from New Orleans. We sat in horror, as we saw the scene after scene of their beloved city being ripped from the tragedy that was Hurricane Katrina. Images that stick out in my mind most were people in terrible physical condition who were trapped and helpless. They were not able to try and survive themselves and completely at the mercy of being saved. I’m not suggesting that all fit did people in New Orleans survived and those who were not, but I have to believe in the face of a catastrophic event, be in decent physical condition does not hurt your chances of survival — or increase the likelihood of being able to save so dear.

If we look honestly, just because we are blessed to live in the USA do not prevent us from dealing with unexpected dangerous times. Hurricane Katrina, 9/11, San Diego fire … the list goes on. I am definitely not a doom and gloom kinda guy but this second 1 flash of a thought while I enjoyed my film reminded me of yet another reason it is important for us to take care of bodies that God gave us-so in times of tragedy not only have a better chance of survival, but can be of service to those who most need it.

Keep in mind during the next training session. It will affect your level of motivation and mindset?

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